
Showing posts from March, 2021

Film Noir – Definition, Movies, and Facts

One key aspect of film noir is the use of harsh lighting to create an imbalanced composition. But that's not the only element that puts a movie under the ‘noir’ category. Understanding what this genre really and what sets it apart from others will allow you to develop a higher appreciation for noir films as well as the messages they want to bring to light. If you have watched a noir film and you are interested in exploring more of this type of movie, then you will need to learn the following: Definition Noir is a French word that means black film. Film noir is used as a catch-all term for the crime and detective movies that gained popularity in the 1940s and 1960s. The archetypal protagonists, shadowy locations, intricate plots, and many other aspects of film noir during those years led to the creation of unique genre that movie buffs have grown to love. Elements   ·          Protagonists - Among the biggest and most obvious aspects of film noir is its cynical lead chara

4 Things You Can Learn About While Watching Kung Fu Movies

Kung Fu classic movies always leave their audiences in awe with their amazing stunts. The fighting scenes with Kung Fu masters gliding through the air seemingly defying gravity are certainly impressive, but they’re not the only reasons why people love watching these films over and over. It's also because of the many lessons that classic Kung Fu movies teach. Kung Fu moves For sure, you have tried impersonating popular Kung Fu stars before or tried pulling off their crazy stunts and miserably failed. Well, you are not alone. Anyone who watches classic Kung Fu moviesfind themselves copying the moves. These movies don't actually teach self-defense step by step, but they do show the audiences how martial arts can come in handy in tricky situations. The value of perseverance Most of the heroes of martial arts films do not become masters overnight. They may be inherently talented, but they often need to go through rigorous training to refine their skills. Almost every martial