4 Things You Can Learn About While Watching Kung Fu Movies

Kung Fu classic movies always leave their audiences in awe with their amazing stunts. The fighting scenes with Kung Fu masters gliding through the air seemingly defying gravity are certainly impressive, but they’re not the only reasons why people love watching these films over and over. It's also because of the many lessons that classic Kung Fu movies teach.

Kung Fu moves

For sure, you have tried impersonating popular Kung Fu stars before or tried pulling off their crazy stunts and miserably failed. Well, you are not alone. Anyone who watches classic Kung Fu moviesfind themselves copying the moves. These movies don't actually teach self-defense step by step, but they do show the audiences how martial arts can come in handy in tricky situations.

The value of perseverance

Most of the heroes of martial arts films do not become masters overnight. They may be inherently talented, but they often need to go through rigorous training to refine their skills. Almost every martial arts movie shows their heroes slowly progress through perseverance, and this is one skill that is valuable not only in learning martial arts but also in life.

Heroes are not always winners all the time

Classic Kung Fu moviestory lines often involve a major setback before a grand comeback. The hero needs to experience defeat in the middle of the story before rising up again. Learning from the flaws and mistakes of the past, the hero sets forth again to pursue the goal. This element is present in every movie for character development and to add more drama. But doesn't this happen in real life, too? You don't win all the time. But you can learn from every failure and fight again another day.

Importance of respect

Every hero has a mentor. Whether the mentor is harsh or calm when teaching and training the hero doesn't matter. The hero needs to show respect to the master as well as to others regardless of rank, expertise, and experience!


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